Formulario de seguridad Inicio > Políticas > Formulario de seguridad At ACR Poker, we take the security of our players very seriously. We want to provide you with the safest and most secure playing environment possible. If you notice any suspicious activity while playing on our site, please report it to us immediately so we can take appropriate action to ensure your safety.Please use the form below to report any suspicious activity you may have experienced. We encourage you to be as detailed as possible in your report, including providing relevant dates, times, usernames, and other identifying information. All reports will be kept confidential and will only be shared with authorized personnel as needed to investigate and resolve the issue.Thank you for doing your part in keeping our player community safe. Your Email *Nickname of suspicious player *Add rowRemove itemSeleccione un motivo de preocupación *Seleccione una opciónColusiónUnethical BehaviorExternal Assistance ToolsOtrosDate played *Game type *Please SelectCash GamesJackpotsBlitzTorneosSit and GoInformationPlease provide as many details as possible to help with the investigation.Brief Description (hand ID, tournament ID, Table name, Table ID)Enviar mensajeNo rellene este campo.